Weekly Rundown

What a week! Been busy busy busy. Until Saturday, when I made the mistake of lying on the couch around 8:30 am and didn’t get back up until 12 pm. Oops. I was very busy Sunday (and today), I think it was guilt. I have nothing against a good nap, but wasting a whole morning was awful. The dogs were no help, they just slept along with me.  More coffee from now on, I think.

Monday: Short run, 2 miles. I took the easy route, which I have been doing more  and more recently. I need to kick it into gear, or I will never be ready for the Urban Raid. The back going out truly derailed me and my motivation. I rode Christopher Robin in the afternoon. He is such a speedy little guy, he just moves right along; he wants to see everything. What fun to ride.

Tuesday: Blah, rainy. I had gotten new running shoes on Monday, so I pulled out the treadmill. Only 23 minutes, and I decided the shoes needed to go back. I have rather square feet and although the shoes felt good and supportive when I put them on, after a couple of miles my feet were “tingling.” So I shut down the treadmill and did some yoga stretches.

Wednesday: The sun returned! Speaking of returning, I traded in my sneakers and got the ones I probably should have started with Tuesday night. Couldn’t wait to hit the road! I did my flat drills, for two reasons. One, I thought it would be a good idea to be close to home in case these shoes didn’t work out either; and, two, as I said above, I need to be doing these things. The shoes worked out very well. And the drills, well, they weren’t as fun. But they did go fairly well. In the afternoon I rode Charby. My hubby has been working on my riding ring. It was a choppy, uneven piece of field. But it was the best I had. He took the plow out to break it up, then started grading. I think he got dizzy out there, going around and around with the tractor. But it came along nicely, and I started riding around the edges. So nice to have flat ground my klutzy mare can’t trip over!

Thursday: I took the day off–mostly. I took Christopher out back and we chugged around for half an hour. I think he was getting a bit bored. I am getting some jumps set up, and I have plans for that pony next week!

Friday: my weekly riding date with Mom 🙂 I thought it would be nice to run down the road to meet her. I told her to call me when she hit a certain town, which should give me a 35 minute run. I think she forgot, and called later. Or she needs to slow down! Because after she called, I got in barely 21 minutes before I met her on the road. On the up side, I was running the 80% uphill route and I did it in my fastest time ever. Which is pretty cool since I didn’t know I was going that fast. After bringing me home and waiting for me to change, we called the beasties in and rode. We had a nice long ride, 45 minutes. The equines were very well-behaved and we went out to the back, back field. Mr Chris has never been back there before and he was on a tear to get to the other end. It it just over a third of a mile, and there is an old logging road surrounded by saplings starting to take over again. Now, Charby likes a trail ride, but she likes to amble along and check everything out. I was doing circles to bring  Christopher back to Charby and Mom. When we get to the end of the logging road, there is rock wall as it is the end of the original field. We had, at one point, fenced that field in so the horses could be out there. Mr. Christopher didn’t believe me when I said that we couldn’t go any further, and he really didn’t want to go back. Silly boy.

Saturday: the day of my infamous nap. I tried to make up for it in the afternoon with class work and yoga. Still felt the guilt, however.

Sunday: the day of making up for my laziness. I went for my first 5+ mile run of the season. It was great, I was worried whether I could go that far (especially without pain), but I did well. Mile 3 was the hardest, but I perked up for the last 2. It wasn’t the greatest time, but we can work on that. After I made breakfast (I am not telling you what I had, there was icing involved) for me and hubby, I went out to plant more in the garden. Pumpkins, asparagus, potatoes, tomatillos: we are going to have a good garden this year. Then I climbed back on Charby, although we didn’t do much besides walk around the newly finished ring (Husband of the Year Award is going to my husband). I just wanted to ride, so I didn’t care what we did. Topped off the day with a movie (the Avengers) and some Orange Leaf with my girls from high school– I think we are going on 30 years of friendship 🙂 By the time I got home some coworkers of my husband’s had dropped by and we had a good time watching the fire, chatting and maybe drinking one or two hard ciders. In all, a wonderful day and a fabulous way to end a terrific week!

5 thoughts on “Weekly Rundown

    • no, I had a nice afternoon nap the day before. I just love laying down! I ameither at full tilt or not moving. I need to find the middle ground 🙂 My joints are doing well, by the way. I do take chondroitin with gluclosomine and that seems to help. I do tend to stiffen up over night, but movement works that out

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