My First (and perhaps only) Blogging Award!

My friend Susie has nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. She is so sweet. Her blog is SusieShy45, and it always a joy to read: so please check it out. This is my second blogging host site, and I love WordPress: I have made so many friends and found so many blogs to read some days I can’t keep up.

I started a blog because I want to write. Good reason, right? What I have found a vivid community of bloggers that I never expected. They are supportive, funny and very necessary to me. I thank everyone who reads my blog, and hope that I will continue to interest, entertain or inspire you (whatever it takes to keep you reading 😉 )


There are some rules I need to follow to accept this award, the first was taken care of by thanking Susie (which I would have done anyway). The second is that I need to list the rules and display the award (as if I wouldn’t!), the third is share seven facts about myself (forthcoming) and the fourth is that I nominate 15 fellow bloggers for the award (also forthcoming).

      Seven Facts about me:

1) In my 20s I was terribly depressed that I would never write anything to measure up to War & Peace

2) I have an odd combination of OCD  and ADD, which makes me both compulsive and a scatterbrain     ( I am not diagnosed, just have certain tendencies that way that have been generally noticed by most people I come in contact with)

3) I love anything that has four legs and a tail, and, fortunately, they love me back

4) I am currently unemployed and working to get a certification in Medical Admin Assistant to find a grown-up career

5) I really enjoy helping people

6) I was a farmer

7) I no longer care if I write War & Peace, I happy to write on my two blogs and see what comes

I chose my bloggers for different reasons. Some are inspiring for the quality and quantity they write.  It can be difficult to post several times a week and still be interesting and relevant. These bloggers do that. Some I picked for what they write. Opening a vein and spilling your life’s blood for the world to see is hard, and it is inspiring how unflinchingly these bloggers do that.

    And my nominees are:
















I hope you will check out their blogs, they are all well worth reading. And thanks again to Susie for thinking of me.

7 thoughts on “My First (and perhaps only) Blogging Award!

  1. Pingback: Six Months On (Observations, Blog Awards, Thank Yous) | Only 100 Words

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